Mike\’s List

Only highly trusted professionals

What is Mike’s List?

The answer to the question may better be,

what Mike’s List is not.

Mike’s List is not to be confused with that other more popular guy, Craig.

Craig lets anyone post anything – just about.

Contrary to Craig’s – Mike’s List is your place to find only the best local professionals.

Your next question should be,

“How do we know? Did this Mike pick them? And if he did, how does he know who is good?”

No. Actually, the person who thought so highly as to refer the professional, is right below the contact info.

What if I use one of these people and don’t like them?

As with any referral, use caution, and use your best judgment. That said, you can be assured that the professional listed is going to do the best they can as they have the referrer to answer to.

If you love the professional listed here – make sure to send the referrer an email, a thank you note, or even better – use them yourself!

Have a person you would like to recommend?
Let us know!

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